
2.1.1 - released 2022-04-20

  • Fix package compatibility with Python 3.10

2.1.0 - released 2021-09-24

  • New: add wasabigeom.Transform for 2D affine transformations.

  • Add vec2.from_polar() static method.

  • Can construct from any 2-sequence of floats

2.0.1 - released 2020-09-27

  • Several bugfixes, particularly around multiplying/dividing by int and nonvec + vec

2.0.0 - released 2020-09-25

  • Breaking Change: module name changed from wasabi.geom to wasabigeom

  • Breaking Change: Vector class renamed to wasabigeom.vec2

  • Breaking Change: vec2.angle() and other functions now return radians.

  • New: wasabigeom.bresenham()

  • New: Cythonised the sources; hand-optimised vec2

0.1.3 - released 2012ish

  • Original, pure-Python release